• I will carefully evaluate your property to determine the highest and best price. Staging techniques, minor improvements, or slight accents may be suggested to enhance your property, increasing the ability to receive offers at a desired price.
  • Arrange professional photography of your home.
  • Prepare a professional brochure using high definition photographs and well-defined narrative to mail to targeted prospects and advertise online.
  • Feature your property on my website and targeted high traffic web sites to attract a broad range of exposure
  • Hold brokers open houses to expose your property to the local real estate community and public open houses where prospective buyers can come though and get a good feeling of the property.
  • Network with the community and other agents that are active in the area and with successful sales of comparable properties.
  • Keep you consistently informed of showing activity and feedback from prospective buyers. Provide continuous effort to successfully sell your property in the shortest time possible.
  • Qualify the buyer. Maintain open communication with all parties involved and keep on top of the appraisal, loan commitment, escrow and make certain that any contingencies do not cots any lost time on the market.
  • Walk you through every step of the closing process, keeping you up to date and informed so that it will be an excellent experience!

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